Local Government And Public Primary Education In Nigeria

Education has always being at the forefront of most government of the worlds economic plans, as well as Nigerias. But over the years most foreign countries have allocated as much as 20% of their budgetary allocation for the year to education. Same cannot be said of Nigeria, who contributes a paltry 5% to its education sector and a further 2% petroleum tax from oil companies to textiary institutions in the country. That is a topic for another day.

The foundation of basic education has always been the primary school sector, where children are inculcated into the rudiments of intensive learning. Giving the local government primary responsibility of taking care of  public primary school is a good development, but over the years that function has being abused. From the late payment of salaries and the accumulation of unpaid salaries and bonuses, coupled with the incessant change of adminstration within the local government has all but deter the performance of most public primary school and their optimal functionality.

Every government who comes in power have a way of changing the education policy because it is usually said " he who pays the piper dictates the tune."  it is more easier for politicians to do that than to tackle inflation, unemployment and taxes which are all delicate issues, therefore education and health sectors are preferably toiled with.

Aside payment of salaries, local governments should be able to provide public primary schools with basic developmental facilities like a libray, IT center where children can learn about computers at a very young age and in house health facility as well as providing condusive learning environment.

We cannot continue to pour all the blame on our textiary institutions for churning out "half-baked graduates" when our foundation is very shaky. Government on their own part should follow the rule of law in order to have stability and consistency in local government in other to make them thrive and perform their primary functions. Politics should not be allowed to ruin our lives and the lives of our children. 


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