DSS, Buhari- Were They Right This Time?

The funny thing about democracy is that you can actually be guilty hiding under the ambit of the law. When your cover is blown, you cry foul and aim to be the victim of abuse of democratic process.
Have you ever wondered why nobody cares about due process when it comes to charging a common criminal, and cry foul when Federal Judges who are supposed to uphold our political institutions are charged with corruption?

Did the DSS have a search warrant to invade the judges homes at that time and is it constitutional as well as, did they come with a search warrant? According to them they did, and they are backed by law, as you can make a search  at anytime of the day provided the search warrant was signed by a judge, in this case the CJN. But an arrest can only be made from 6:00am -6:00pm at any given day. So why did they make the arrest at that hour and what did they find that eencouraged them to make an arrest at that time of the night, have to be proven in court. 

 Is it a political witch hunt, considering the fact that 3 of the judges are igbos, 1 from south south and the other from south west? In fact one of them from the igbo faction is next in line to be appointed Chief Justice Of The Nigeria. Do i perceive i political shaking up in progress, lets keep watching as events unfold. One thing am sure tired of is parading suspects on the pages of newspaper.

If you should ask me, i would say with the level of corruption in this country, extreme measures needs to be used without violating anybodys  right- Be it commando or rambo style!


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