Why Are South Africans Xenophobic?
Having followed up the xenophobic attacks melted out by South Africans to fellow Africans, I cannot help but wonder what kind of world we live in. These attacks have been blamed on high rate of unemployment, strain on the resources of the country to carter for both its citizens and foreigners, and the high rate of crime by foreigners especially Nigerians. It is disheartening to hear of such stories simply because, every country has to deal with them sooner or later. It is a social problem commonly found among developing countries, so why is the South African citizens angry at their fellow Africans. I know some are against this trend but the majority of them share this believe. Is it not why the king of Zulu would Call foreigners"lice, that they should pack their loads and leave south Africa." I want to believe they don't have citizens in other Countries, otherwise, they would know how it feels when a xenophobic attack is melted on them or their families, and the...