Whistle Blowers

Before I started this piece, it has always bordered me, on how the Buhari's administration is going to fight corruption with the EFCC and ICPC alone. I always felt it was a daunting task considering the best agent for the job " Nuhu Ribadu" is no longer with the EFCC. Then I was brought back to reality that no one is irreplaceable. Corruption in Nigeria as we all know has many faces.

 Beginning from our homes, to schools, into our markets and offices, up to the three tiers of government, corruption exist. Why people like us feel reorientation is pivot in us believing in our system again, the ICPC and EFCC has taken the fight against corruption to another level with the introduction of 2.5% to 5% compensation for " whistle blowers." Who are this people? They are those people who are closer to corrupt persons and couldn't take with a pinch of salt, the mindless looting of our politicians.

 Therefore this program was drawn to accommodate this people and also protect them. Currently their is a mobile app called " Wahala Dey" launched by ICPC on google playstore for "whistle blowing. " This measure was taken to give them anonymity and protect them for whistle blowing on corrupt persons. There life is at stake for doing us this noble service and they will be richly blessed. I must say this is a step in the right direction. If you can just understand that three of this whistle blowers are going to be billionaires soon, because the federal government is keeping their end of the bargain to encourage more people to "rat"(for my American friends) against corrupt person. Thank God for this initiative. I just pray we don't turn it against ourselves in future.


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