Still On The Hike On Data Prices

I keep saying it , that the government of this country does not want its citizenry to be learned. If not, how can one really explain the hike on data prices when the NCC should be looking for ways to reduce it. They have frustrated education to the extent that the common man can no longer send their kids to school, now they want to suppress our right to freedom of association using the internet since they could not pass the social media bill. 

The effect of the hike would have been disastrous , owing to the fact that a lot of our libraries are either dilapidated or struggling to function properly. Where do we go to read since it was said Nigerians no longer read books; the internet of course. So what happens if their is a hike on prices of data? The common man is blinded, and like a leper he is lead to fall into a deep hole he will not be able to return.

This is the reason everybody should take to the street and protest for the reduction of data price, because in the modern world we live in, a lot of things are done through the internet. It is also one of the biggest employer of labour considering the fact that, with this recession biting hard, a lot of Nigerians have diversified to online businesses. What happens if data price is hiked? a lot of them will close shop.
This is also thanking the 8th national assembly for doing the needful. The first time they have actually stood up for Nigerians since assuming office.


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