If We Are Not Humans; What Are We?

I was with a friend the other day in the suburb of Lagos, we got into a commercial vehicle and took off, unknowingly that the driver didn't count the number of passengers that alighted at the bus-stop and the ones that came in, so he just said in general " Owo mi da" to those who just came in. Everybody else paid except for a lady by my side, who came in together with me. When I asked for her fare, she simply told me she has paid the driver. I have being there with her all the while and I know she didn't give him a dime and didn't even make a pass at him to indicate she is familiar with the driver. and that was how she rode on a free bus to her destination.

Its really not my business because the driver should have hired a conductor, but must she lie. It is this lies as little as they seem that defines our character.

You don't have to be sanctimonious to have a character you would want your kids to imbibe. How can we call ourselves humans if we can't trust one another on trivial issues like this. I hope someone reading this can do better than lie about things no matter how little they seem.


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