8 Reasons Business Degree Is Not A Requiste For Success In Business

Business degrees are hot, but you might want to reconsider your decision. Here are eight reasons why you should not major in business:

1. Business majors don't learn much in business school.

That's one of the bombshell conclusions of Academically Adrift, a new blockbuster bestseller that suggests that 45% of university students don't learn much of anything in their first two years of college, while more than one out of three students graduate with no improvement in writing and analytical skills.

Among the students who learn the least in college are social work, education and business majors. In contrast, the researchers found that students majoring in the humanities, social sciences, hard sciences and math do relatively well.

2. You won't make as much money as you think.

If you're interested in making tons of money, here's a wake-up call: in the latest university degree salary survey is that, business is NOT one of the best-paying university degrees.

3. The job market is crawling with business majors.

It's hard to stand out from the crowd when more than one out of every five new university grads is a business major. What you're telegraphing when you major in business is that you want to make money, but do you have what it takes to some day earn that corner office?

4. Your quality of life could suck.

You always mix up business with home affairs which always leads to conflict with your spouse or parents

5. Majoring in business could hurt your MBA chances.

Not having an undergrad business degree can actually help when applying to MBA programs. At some MBA programs less than 25% of their students possess undergrad business degrees. One study documented that business undergrads actually performed worse in MBA programs than non-business majors.

6. You don't need a business degree to work in business.

You're kidding yourself if you think a business degree gives you the skills to work in the corporate world.

A employer survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers indicates that workplaces most value these three skills that you are usually more likely to find with a liberal arts eduction:
  • Communication skills.
  • Analytic skills.
  • Teamwork skills.
What's more, a survey by the Association of American Colleges and Universities found that 89% of surveyed employees said they want university students to pursue a liberal arts education.

7. You can make more money with an economics degree.

Economics majors earn more.

 Economics is one of the liberal arts so you are more likely to learn how to write and think in college, which is what employers covet in their workers.

Illustrious econ majors include Warren Buffettt, Steve Ballmer, Ted Turner, Steve Fossett, Henry Kravis, Diane von Furstenberg, Esther Dyson, Bill Belichick and Mick Jagger

8. Your parents want you to major in business.

Don't be a wuss and major in business because your parents are nagging you. If you're pressured into majoring in business or any other major, studies show that you'll be less likely to succeed professionally AND financially.


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