The growth of cyber security has been electrifying these few years, but it didn't come without some measure of worst things as well.
For cyber security professionals, building a better defense system becomes a priority as cyber criminals are becoming smarter by the day.
Since mobile app came into play, it is no longer a level playing field for both professionals and criminals. 2016 will no doubt remind us of the potential cyber security possess to become a leading force in any economy, likewise, we are hoping our 2018 predictions will be a good bet for it.

Legislation to protect our security

In the era of IoT, privacy will be a thing of the past as critical data about individual persons and companies will be breached leaving no holds barred. Corporate data like emails of top CEOs can be sold on the black market from an intense data theft. The consequences can be disastrous that is why punitive legislative laws need to be in place to curb that.

Digital Kidnapping with Occur

Following the course of 2016 where an estimated $800 million was lost to cyber criminals, it is will be bigger and more immense this year. More people and organization will be attacked with the threat of their sensitive been leaked online for a ransom. It is a play that has always worked too well and is expected to increase.

NLP and ML seemed like Calvary has arrived

The rise of Natural Language processing (NLP) and Machine learning (ML) in teaching people how to be conversant with conversational bots will only be hijacked by hackers who will see them as tools to cause more mayhem through phishing and sending of malicious contents to unsecured users of such type of data. The automated efforts of these hackers will be as close to having a Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which could mean cybercrimes on a high note level.

IoT can mean doom

Internet of things (IoT) is believed to be free on the internet, but that freedom is tied to security lapses as millions of devices get connected. The downside side is, from a single insecure device, hackers can gain entry in any system and bring an entire organization down. This is the real nightmare for security professionals.

Mobile threats are trashy

Leaving the development of mobile platforms in the hands of third parties has its consequences. It has resulted in serious attacks on mobile platforms and there is more on the way to come. Mobile security is supposed to defend us and not make us vulnerable to sensitive information leak or comprise of our health data.

DDoS attacks

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) will only keep rising with more requests sent to compromised systems that can bring them down. The age IoT devices mean more vulnerable systems will be manipulated until the systems shut down one after the other with no reprisal from security law enforcement agencies.

Big data is here to save us

Security analyst does not seem to keep a trail of the activities of hacker online, simply because a number of activities going on the internet are quite enormous. Big data analytics systems are hoping to open and show security analyst hackers patterns of operation using their immense data storage capacity and more technical systems in place.

How will all this have an effect on all that will happen in the future? For one, nobody is safe and nothing is certain anymore even our electoral laws and security can be manipulated in the near future.


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