What the US/Iranian conflict could mean for Nigeria

Nigeria is a secular state, there is no doubt about that. However, at some point, especially under the present administration, President Buhari, many began to doubt if we are really a secular state.

The consistent killing and arresting of ethnic minorities have continued to dent the works the Federal Government is trying to do for the masses. The floating court order and absolute disregard of the rule of law have raised the question if we are genuinely practicing democracy under the current administration.

The continued fracas between Iran and the US have left everyone wondering if it will have an adverse effect on the economic and political situations in the country for a lot of reasons.

Firstly, Nigeria is a great US ally. However, for some time, the position has often shifted because of the lack of religious tolerance by the current administration. Leaders of religious sects of various divide have been held in detention by Buhari even after they were ordered to be released by the court. Famous activists have been arrested and detained for months for merely trying to organize a protest.

Given the recent happenings, it is clear the position of the pentagon towards Nigeria is consistently shifting. The Iran situation will further dampen that position if any US assets in Nigeria are targeted by Iran sponsored terrorist groups in the country like Boko Haram, ISWAP, and others. Terrorists recently targeted a US asset in Kenya, what stops them from doing the same in Nigeria?

A government that promised to wipe out terrorism from Nigeria cannot protect its own citizens, how much more a foreign asset. The capture of the Shia Muslim leader of Nigeria, who is a massive supporter of Iranian policies, can spell doom for Nigeria if he is not released.

Nigeria, on the other hand, maybe benefiting from the 4% increase in the price of crude in the international market. However, that won't last for very long before a strike happens.


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